Write For Us

We love to help people with the diverse range of information and knowledge they need. That is why we don’t keep this platform to ourselves alone. UnconventionalUSA invites and accepts the diverse aspects and knowledge of global writers. Once their stories meet our guidelines, we publish them on our platform.

  • We only publish 100% original content. There is no room for plagiarised content on this platform. 
  • Attractive titles within 60 to 64 characters look great on your content. 
  • A word limit below 1000 words is not acceptable. 
  • We suggest you use H2 and H3 tags in your article. 
  • We don’t overlook grammatical errors. Make sure that there is no grammatical error in your article. 
  • You allow you to use the author’s website, but of course, with a no-follow tag. 
  • You are free to add a bio containing 20 to 40 words. 
  • We appreciate adding copyright-free images to the content you are sharing with us. 
  • We encourage you to use bullets, numbers, and tables in your content. 

For any queries, you can fill out the contact form or contact us by sending an email to webmaster@redhatmedia.net.